
Our goal is for your baby and toddler to be safe and enjoy their time in our nursery


At Southside Church we fully grasp that entrusting us with your precious little ones is a huge responsibility. It is our goal for your baby and toddler to be safe and enjoy their time in the nursery as well as make you and your child(ren) comfortable. Our nursery has an infant and toddler room. The infant room is for newborns to 1-year olds, or until your child is walking comfortably and able to move into the toddler room. Our infant room has toys that ideal for infant development as well as the basic amenities for infant care.

The toddler room is for ages 1-2. This room also has toys for development and activities that are age appropriate. Again, it is our goal for your child(ren) to be safe and for you to feel comfortable with us caring for them.

Please check your child in at the check in station prior to bringing them to the nursery. This is a great way for us to meet your child’s needs and provide safe care.

Nursery Policies

Thank you for continuing to allow us to spend Sunday mornings serving you and your babies. Each of your children fill the nursery with joy each service, and we want to continue to make sure to give your baby the most safe and enjoyable experience. In order to do so, we want to remind you of a few policies that we think are important for a safe and peaceful nursery.

Inconsolable Child Policy

If a baby or toddler has been crying or fussing for 10 minutes, the parents will be contacted via text. Please come promptly to the nursery within 5 minutes. This policy makes certain that all babies and toddlers are given the attention they need. Inconsolable babies or toddlers monopolize the time of the nursery workers who need to give every child the needed focus. Babies and toddlers will be permitted back in the nursery when completely calm. Parents should make drop off quick and seamless as possible.

Please do not open the doors of the nursery to check on your baby or toddler. This not only often causes your baby to become upset, but also other babies who will look for their parent. If you hear your baby crying and come before the policy text, you should then remove your baby from the nursery for the remainder of the service without lingering. This policy allows for every child to remain at peace and have the opportunity to successfully enjoy the nursery.

Incident Policy

If there is any incident or accident that occurs in the nursery, an incident form will be given to Barbara Estes following service. These incidents include anything that hurts a toddler or baby or causes distress (biting, hitting, dropping, fingers pinched in a door, items falling on head, etc.). Parents will be informed at pick up of minor incidents. Information involving the name of another child will not be given to protect the privacy of other families. If you have further questions about an incident, please see Barbara. Major incidents will be communicated as soon as they occur to parents. We always take your child’s safety very seriously and will work with you to make sure every child is safe.

Wellness Policy

Babies and Toddlers should not be permitted in the nursery who are unwell. Children with a persistent cough, runny nose, goopy eye, or fever should not attend nursery. Children should not have vomited, had diarrhea, or a fever in the last 24 hours without medicine to attend nursery. Your child’s health is important to us.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, I would love to have a discussion with you to make sure you are enjoying your nursery experience. We work hard to give you the best experience possible and love serving you and your family.